TraVerus GO YIKES in 2010

WOW!!! Price to Start TraVerus Only $499

Give me a call today!

Jamell Fields
National Executive
#3 Highest Position

TraVerus China Announced

Traverus Travel Network, the fast-growing, world-wide on-line travel promoter, and ChinaClicks2, the exclusive marketing partner of 5CTV, have announced the forming of a new travel venture in the People's Republic of China . The new company, Traverus China , will dedicate itself to building a strong traveler's network in mainland China , Hong Kong and Taiwan , the so-called Greater China Region.

  David Manning, the CEO of Traverus and Susan Pattis, CEO of ChinaClicks2 International Consulting, signed the joint-venture paper on May 19th, 2008 in Beijing , China . Kenneth Chou, one of the founders of the public-listed Internet travel company Star Travel in Taiwan , will sit on the advisory board of the new company. Both Susan and Kenneth will also join Traverus Travel Network as partners.   

Traverus Travel Network is also the exclusive travel industry partner with the recently aired 5CTV which is dedicated in programming that brings the world to China and China to the world, as Billy Campell, the CEO of 5CTV and formal CEO of Discovery Channel explained in its opening ceremony.

The Big News with TraVerus

"Thoughts determine what you want, action determines what you get." - David Manning

David Manning is the Founder, CEO and President of Traverus Travel. After spending 3 years in research for the perfect product to market, David realized the future potential of selling travel related products, and purchased a 20 plus year old travel agency. David then spent an additional 4 years building a great relationship with the travel vendors and suppliers, before initiating the prelaunch of TraVerus Travel in 2006.

In addition to his many business accomplishments, David Manning is an international motivational speaker, he hosted the Dallas Easter Seals Telethon for 17 years, and was a national sales trainer for two companies. David was a leader with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, he was a world-wide promoter for World Class Championship Wrestling, and also worked with many top celebrities to help promote their charitable causes.

David's goal is to change lives around the world!! With all the great travel related products, TraVerus give people the chance to spend more time with their family...have extra money to spend on their family...remove some stress from their life...or find financial freedom. The goals are not necessarily the same for everyone, but TraVerus is here to help you accomplish yours. It all starts with YOU working with a great group of individuals formed as the field leadership team, and utilizing the "IT" factor of the Great Travel related products to your advantage!

The David Manning Commitment
David Manning is committed to giving good direction, great training and sound leadership. He recognizes that we all need to be rock solid and commited to this business to be able to enhance our lives, and the lives of others.
TraVerus has something to offer everyone in this world, whether it be help, love, motivation, direction, money or a vacation. It is truly a privilege to be able to share this opportunity with others.

Helping The Average Person Find Success
David Manning is truly dedicated to helping the average person find the success they are looking for, and entitled to. "Success will come to those that make TraVerus an important part of their life." Although David goes on to say that the "Proper Order Of Life" is God, Family, and then Career.

With a dozen ways to make money in TraVerus, David Manning feels it is important to take advantage of as many of the opportunities as possible. The booking travel side of the business can be very exciting and lucrative to pursue. But as an agent, when you stop booking travel...your income stops as well.

David recommends that you get involved in building your business, as well. The selling of travel related products with a bonus online travel store tool to others will truly start to build your business! As a result of this your residual income will continue month after month, year after year. Whether or not you continue to work at it every day of every week, or not.